Level 3 prepares a person for the mentoring process. They include mentor's personal goals, skills and expertise he brings into a mentoring relationship. Both mentor and mentee (protégé) must discuss and agree on the expectations and boundaries.
At Level 4, the mentor is provided with worksheets and tools (e.g. Protégé Success Plan and Mentor Communication Tracking Log) to prepare the protégé, and to help each other understand and agree on the goals and expectations of both parties.
Mentoring is a two-way process in which both the mentor and protégé give and get. When the protégé is unwilling to make any change to achieve his objective, there will be no meaningful outcome. Basically, there is a mutual understanding on what is to be learned, how the transfer of learning will take place, and how the learning will be monitored and evaluated.
To be successful, both mentor and protégé must agree to meet at regular intervals. Through the sharing of time and resources, both the mentor and protégé benefit. Emphasis is placed on setting short/medium/long term goals. Keeping track of discussions is useful in keeping things stay on focus.
Mutual trust is a very important component in the mentor-mentee (protégé) relationship. While the mentor supports the protégé in various areas (see above chart), the protégé needs to open up when seeking support and guidance.
The purpose of this project is for the participant to apply his mentoring skills to a short-term mentoring assignment. The entire program has a time-frame of up to 6 months to complete. I am pleased to have found two mentees (protégés) - one is my YMCA VPE and another an Area Director - who are willing to work together to achieve our mutual goals!
Chew Ban Seng DTM
Past District Governor
Truly agreed to what had been said..thanks. i