The New Pathways -- Challenging Pathways Level 1 and Level 2

Curiosity killed the cat, people like to say?? Well, I was born under the Chinese zodiac sign of a rat. So I like to explore... even more new grounds. Lol. 

Getting into a single Leadership Development path is simply not enough! I bought two other paths, namely, Team Collaboration and Strategic Relationships. These three Pathways paths have opened up a few options for me...  

I have since completed my two projects requirements - Managing Time and Active Listening - under two different paths. I am looking forward to attempt Cross-Cultural Understanding which should be very interesting given a cosmopolitan city state like Singapore. 

Level 1 and Level 2 of Pathways are relatively straight forward even for beginners. They are the ground-laying foundation pieces in a Toastmaster's journey. So fear not and just proceed ahead. 
Lao Tzu once said, "A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." 

That is so true for Pathways. Although it was launched some 3 months ago in District 80, the number of Toastmasters who have completed at least Level 1 is less than 20! 

Like old cars, the problem is to crank up those old engines. 

Once most Toastmasters have gotten over the mental hurdle of downloading their speech projects from online, the momentum will have a snowball effect. 

Until then, let us continue to encourage our veteran Toastmasters to explore Pathways - the Toastmasters' system for the future!!

Chew Ban Seng DTM
Past District Governor


  1. I am also very curious. And yes, those two Projects are very interesting! What is the "Strategic Relationship"? I am also working now (after 2 path finished) on Leadership Development through telling stories, stories about stories, and preparing a storytelling festival.

    Dedicating a path to one thing was Paul White's idea. We are doing it in parallel, almost.

    Once you get to know better pathways and its level, all possibilities open up.

  2. I am a beginner pedalling on my path in Effective Coaching, don't know if it is the right path but was
    the best match recommended to do after the questionaire.. So nothing on Motivational Strategies and Leadership Development as yet. but generally pathways learning is exciting even if you
    are just reading to stories of others who are on this program so a difference from the traditional way.. 🤗


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