After you have decided on a path, this is what you will see. Until you "Launch" it, nothing much happened.
Remember, no one, even an experienced one, is ever ready. To start, one must take the initial first step. So, yes, I simply plunged in!
My "Ice Breaker" was about my journey in Toastmasters. My project evaluator was District Director Tay Tiam Teang, DTM.
Although I had heard about Toastmasters since the mid-1990s, it had never occurred to me to join. I had too many other distractions.
Once I made up my mind to join in 2001, I set up a goal to become a Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) in 3 years. That was the first phase of my journey. I achieved the coveted DTM in early 2004; well within the time frame.
The second DTM took me more than twice the length of time. Why? Because I had never wanted to do another. Without a goal and without a purpose, one day after another passed by quickly.
As part of the revival of YMCA Toastmasters Club, then a struggling and dying club, I decided to complete my educational goals and help the club become a 10/10 President's Distinguished Club.
That was the second phase of my Toastmasters journey. I went on to join the ranks of District 80 Trio. During the period when I was Lt Governor Education & Training, Toastmasters International launched the Revitalised Education Program (REP) with the appointment of Chief Ambassador. Indeed it was exciting time!
After a delay of close to 3 years, Pathways was finally rolled out on July 26 2017 in District 80. Now I am able to set fresh goals since I strongly believe that the NEW Pathways is the future for Toastmasters International.
So, this is my third and final phase, to complete 2 Pathways paths within 12 months and be a new Pathways DTM within 18 months. These are ambitious goals. I believe they are achievable.
What is my purpose?? To demonstrate to doubting Thomas that when you begin with the end in mind, dreams do come true!
Past District Governor
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