The New Pathways -- Going Forward

This blog started as my Leadership Development Level 4 project - Write a Compelling Blog. Now that I have completed the task and achieved my Pathways DTM, it shall be my final post... and my swan song message.

Do you know what IP Balraj Arunasalam, IPIP Mike Storkey and Founder Ralph Smedley had in common besides being Toastmasters? All of them were, at one time or another, Rotarians. I am proud to be a Rotarian and Toastmaster too.

Below is what IP Balraj has to say about being a Distinguished Toastmaster. In fact, I agree with him 100 percent. Co-incidentally, "Making A Difference" is Rotary International's theme for Rotary Year 2017-2018. We have to put those skills we have learned to good use.

As a third time Distinguished Toastmaster, I had utilised the communication and leadership skills to help develop youth and young leaders. I was Coordinator for Youth Leadership Program (YLP) with ITE College East and, together with my fellow Rotarians, we trained some 150 youth in Muar, Johor, on Communication Skills.

I enjoyed Pathways for the flexibility and freedom it gave me. I was able to fulfill many Rotary projects at the same time. Going forward, I will be Vice-Chair, Rotary International District 3310 Blindness Prevention Committee. I am also Chef de Mission, Gift of Sight Indonesia 2018; our upcoming cataract eye surgery mission in Bandung. These are definitely worthwhile humanitarian projects.

If you have been reading my blog, I did plenty of Rotary activities and tied that with Pathways. I did good serving humanity and doing Pathways at the same time. Certainly a "win-win" approach which I believe is the essence of Pathways.

Pathways has 10 different paths. Each of them integrates communication and leadership with the exception for Presentation Mastery, which is dedicated solely to public speaking. I am confident that the educational content will continue to evolve and expand. Two more paths are being developed, namely, Humour (available end of the year) and Advanced Leadership (sometime in 2019).

The wonderful thing about Pathways online delivery is that any educational material can be added, updated or changed quickly without much notice. This is great stuff. Without any doubt, Pathways is the future of Toastmasters. The programme will only get stronger and stronger over time! 👣

So what's next?? While my next Pathways path is Strategic Relationships, I intend to complete and be a proficient Pathways Mentor by 30 June 2018. We can all plan but at the end all things depend on our protégés. Hopefully one of them can achieve his medium term goal before that.

That's life. We do the best we can and can what we can't. The next phase brings new direction, new challenges and new adventure. Until then, "Adios".

Chew Ban Seng DTM
Past District Governor


  1. Congratulations for your Pathways DTM, so excellent and in such a short time. Thanks for your blog that I can relate.. . your District 80 will probably award you with a nice plaque for being the 1st one to complete 2 pathways, as you had started the ball rolling before all others, how about your Ambassador, I wonder. To your best in future undertakings.


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