The New Pathways -- What Actually Is Communication?

My final project for Team Collaboration Level 3 is "Creating Effective Visual Aids". This requires me to select and use a variety of visual aids during my speech.

In my presentation, the basic visual aid used was the powerpoint slides. I prepared a total of 6 slides together with printed handouts of the slides which were distributed just before my talk. This gave the audience some idea on what was to follow.

I began my talk, "What actually is communication?", with a little demonstration. Everyone was given an A4-size sheet of paper. They were told to close their eyes and to follow exactly what they were told to do. After 3 simple instructions, when I asked them to reopen their eyes, they were shocked to discover that some people ended up with totally different designs to theirs!

If the result of the communication had not been what was intended, then the person communicating the instructions must change the instructions so that the message is understood by all the receivers. This was a great way in using a simple piece of paper as a prop or tool to demonstrate the point. 

Basically, there are 3 different types of communication. Type 1 is verbal, Type 2 written and Type 3 non-verbal. Under the traditional legacy path, Toastmasters have plenty of opportunity to practice Type 1 and Type 3 communication modes through their project speeches. That's great!

Before the new Pathways, most Toastmasters usually do not communicate in the written form. Now, with the Electives, we are offered opportunities to write journals and blogs, do online meetings and podcasts, engage in networking events and public relations strategies, learn to build social media presence etc. I love Pathways. Our lives have been so enriched!

Finally, to demonstrate that in communication we do not even need to speak, I produced this video which was posted on YouTube. It illustrates that words alone may not be sufficient as this video is devoid of words. The video says it all. It is priceless. Go watch it!! 

Chew Ban Seng DTM
Past District Governor

